Aims And Objectives


Aims And Objectives

  • Providing Values to the education to the school student level at Villages
  • Directing the students as responsible citizens of the society
  • Training the students to develop nationalism and social responsibility among themselves.
  • Developing respect and holy feeling among students towards teachers and parents.
  • Developing interest among students. Encouraging every student to respect and practice our traditions and culture.
  • Encouraging students on book reading, particularly writings of our great Indian writers and also the persons who Prasied our nation with their writings.
  • Respecting and Honoring social servants who are doing sincere service to our society.
  • Conducting social meeting for our students for psychological development.
  • The students Making short films, audio video documentaries and also encouraging them who are making those to develop mental status of the children.
  • Encouraging students of schools and colleges to give demonstrations on developing moral values among them.
  • Developing moral values among students in the filed of social media also.
  • Conduct programs among students to develop nationalism, social values and social responsibility with the help of national and international institutions.
  • Conducting yoga and meditation programs in school by eminent Yoga and experts in the concerned fields i.e., yoga and meditation.
  • Inculcating interest in all the student to learn the Indian languages and give good practice to learn them.
  • All the above programs are successfully done by the teachers. As the Teachers are the builders of the future society, Hence we shall respect such teachers, every year and we felicitate them who have contribute excellent service.
  • To conduct sports and games competitions among students.
  • Facilitate programmers to educate urban and rural people about environment Water pollution and Air pollution
  • To organize Blood donation camps, Medical check-up camps, eye camps, immunization and vaccination camps in rural in tribal areas and also provide preventive medicines.
  • To establish and maintain Old age homes those who helpless and uncared for and also maintain homes for the Orphans, Children Women and Widowers with love and care.
  • To promote an undertake relief and rehabilitation assistance to victims of natural calamities and other emergencies.
  • To organize discourses elocution contests, debates, lectures, dramas, music, painting programmes for cultural advancement.
  • To establish and organize all types of computer education centers to increase employment production and for the benefit of youth.
  • To employ teachers, health workers, care takers, social workers for the institutions under the control of this Trust.
  • To provide merit scholarships, including supply of books and stipends,
  • To carry on the work of establishing and running Children homes for orphans, destitute, helpless, street children.
  • Run schools, hospitals, clinics, worship places, medical colleges, nursing schools, colleges, technical colleges,
  • Run small scale industries for vulnerable.
  • Printing and publishing literature, magazines, periodicals, daily news papers,
  • Conducting camps, retreats and other charitable works among tribal's, slum dwellers, lepers, and among the low castes in India as a social service on a non-commercial basis and without distinction of caste and creed or religion after seeking affiliation.
  • Distribute special equipments for disabled children and people,
  • To build, construct, hold and acquire buildings and lands and other movable and immovable properties and to manage and equip the same and to dispose of, lease, transfer, invest or deal with such property in any manner as may be beneficial in the interest of the Trust.
  • To do all other such things as will help the attainment of the objects the trust.